Whole production line of turnkey project by Zhengyi
Zhengyi feed machinery industry gathers rich experience in equipment application and manufacturing and has provides equipment and turnkey projects to lots of international feed manufacturers.
Mixing equipment, core device of feed complete production line, as well as additional function are chosen according to production process. Pre-mixing device includes: raw materials' treatment system (unpacking, feeding, smashing, sieving, drying and etc.), raw materials' transmission system, raw materials' storage system, batching system, temporary storage system and etc. After mixing devices includes: finished products transmission system, finished products temporary storage system, finished products before-packing treatment system (sieving, metal detecting and filtering and etc.), finished products packing system, finished products stacking system and etc. Zhengyi turnkey production line also provides the steel structure platform, dust collecting system, automatic control system in different levels.

1tph Feed Production Section

5 tph Feed Production Section

5TON Floating &10TON Pelleting &10 TON Mash flow diagram